Proclamation of April 2024 as Arab American Heritage Month
WHEREAS, for over a century, Arab Americans have been making valuable contributions to virtually every aspect of American society, including medicine, law, business, technology, government, and culture; and
WHEREAS, since migrating to the United States, men and women of Arab descent have shared their rich culture and traditions with neighbors and friends, while also setting fine examples of model citizens and public servants; and
WHEREAS, Arab migrants to the United States brought with them their resilient family values, strong work ethic, dedication to education, and diversity in faith and creed, strengthening the fabric of our diverse nation; and
WHEREAS, the history of Arab Americans in American life often remains neglected or defaced by misunderstanding, bigotry, and anti-Arab hate in the form of crimes and speech; and
WHEREAS, issues currently affecting Arab Americans, such as civil rights abuses, harmful stereotyping, harassment, and bullying, are increasing significantly and must be combated in the forms of education and awareness, particularly in light of the horrible impact that the Israel-Hamas Conflict has on the Palestinian community; and
WHEREAS, there is a need for public education, awareness, and policies that are culturally competent when describing, discussing, or addressing the impacts of being Arab American in all aspects of American society, including discourse and policy; and
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County celebrates the countless contributions that Arab Americans have made to American society and the State of California, recognizing and honoring the month of April 2024 to be Arab American Heritage Month.
Approved by the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County Executive Committee, March 7, 2024, subject to action by the General Membership on April 18, 2024