Diablo Valley Dems Club
Diablo Valley Dems Club
Hybrid meetings for the club. Check out our website for the Zoom link and agenda.
Hybrid meetings for the club. Check out our website for the Zoom link and agenda.
This is a local Democratic club chartered by DPCCC. For more info, contact the club. https://ecdclub.org/club-meetings/
Monthly meeting of DPCCC Communications & Infrastructure Committee, team responsible for outbound communications for the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County – website, social media, public relations and email. Meeting Information Date: 4th Wednesday of each month (except December) Time: 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84602073959 One tap mobile: +16699006833,,84602073959#
This is a local Democratic club chartered by DPCCC. For more information or for the Zoom link to join the meeting, send an email to president@srvdems.org
The DPCCC Executive Committee Meeting is open to observers who are members of the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County. All Leadership Team Members will receive agendas 7 days before the meeting by email. For information send email to secretary@contracostadems.com.
For details, email the Training Committee Chair, Cheryl Sudduth, at training@contracostadems.com.
This is a local Democratic club chartered by DPCCC. Meetings are via Zoom. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83146226722?pwd=cHRneSsxYkVnWWdTcTNQRnBBTmhzdz09 For more info, contact the club. https://www.westcountydemocraticclub.com
This is an East County Democratic Club chartered by DPCCC. For information about meeting location, contact us at https://www.deltademocrats.org/
If you are not a DPCCC member and wish to attend, please RSVP to the DPCCC Secretary at secretary@contracostadems.com. If you are a DPCCC member, you should have received an email with details for the meeting about seven days in advance. If you did not, please email the DPCCC Secretary at secretary@contracostadems.com.
Hybrid meetings for the club. Check out our website for the Zoom link and agenda.
This is a local Democratic club chartered by DPCCC. For more info, contact the club. https://ecdclub.org/club-meetings/
Monthly meeting of DPCCC Communications & Infrastructure Committee, team responsible for outbound communications for the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County – website, social media, public relations and email. Meeting Information Date: 4th Wednesday of each month (except December) Time: 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84602073959 One tap mobile: +16699006833,,84602073959#
This is a local Democratic club chartered by DPCCC. For more information or for the Zoom link to join the meeting, send an email to president@srvdems.org
The DPCCC Executive Committee Meeting is open to observers who are members of the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County. All Leadership Team Members will receive agendas 7 days before the meeting by email. For information send email to secretary@contracostadems.com.