Our volunteers’ efforts to elect Democrats, coordinate Democratic activities, and advance Democratic causes are not possible without the financial support of Democrats like you.

Your donation will help the Democratic Party of Contra Costa:

  • Provide more support to Democratic candidates with enhanced training for people interested in running for office and volunteers helping get them elected.
  • Build a bench of Democrats ready to run for offices at the local and state level.
  • Construct new systems and deploy advanced technology to coordinate the efforts of our chartered clubs and allied organizations.
  • Execute strong, strategic, and effective grassroots communications campaigns that mobilize volunteers, persuade voters, and efficiently use limited campaign resources.

Every dollar makes a difference and will help our Democratic team get that much closer to victory!  You can donate online (just click on the word Donate and fill out the form) or you can send a check, made payable to DPCCC (Democratic Party of Contra Costa County) to: DPCCC, P. O. Box 4112, Walnut Creek, CA 94596.

A monthly donation will go even farther – if you can, please Make It Monthly!
