The Executive Committee is made up of the Officers and District Directors (based on Supervisorial Districts). Together they manage the day-to-day operations of the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County.
Note: The committee chairs are not by themselves voting members of the Executive Committee, but they are part of the Leadership Team and are expected to report to the Executive Committee on a regular basis.
DPCCC members may express their interest in joining a committee via this interest form. All Regular Members, Alternates, and DSCC Delegates are required to join and participate in at least one committee.
Executive Committee & Leadership Team
Chair: Katie Ricklefs
1st Vice-Chair:Tamela Hawley
2nd Vice-Chair: Joey D. Smith
Secretary:Jamin Pursell
Controller:Robyn Kuslits
Past Chair: Maria Alegria
District 1: Michael Nye
District 2:Susan Hildreth
District 3: Carolina Villaseca
District 4: Ady Olvera
District 5:Nakenya Allen
Club Development: Renee Zeimer
Communications: Laura Patch
Complaint & Discipline Review: Courtney Masella O’Brien
District 1: Michael Nye District 3: Carolina Villaseca District 4: Ady Olvera District 5: Nakenya Allen
[Open] [Open] [Open] [Open]
(8 Executive Committee Members)
EAST COUNTY (4 Members) Delta Democratic Club East Contra Costa Democratic Club Marsh Creek Democratic Club Pittsburg Democratic Club
Joseph Kovalick Antwon Webster Joe Ely Taylor Sims
[Open] [Open] [Open] [Open]
CENTRAL COUNTY (4 Members) Democrats of Rossmoor Diablo Valley Democratic Club Lamorinda Democratic Club San Ramon Valley Democratic Club
Alice King Roxanne Carillo Garza Peter Ericson Richard Adler
Alisa Kramer Matthew Brown Shirley Shelangoski Bill Goza
WEST COUNTY (4 Members) El Cerrito Democratic Club Hercules Democratic Club Kensington Democratic Club West County Democratic Club
Champagne Brown Tiffany Grimsley Irene Tait Cheryl Sudduth
[Open] [Open] Peter Liddell [Open]
ALL COUNTY (2 Members) Contra Costa Young Democrats Contra Costa Jewish Democratic Club
[Open] Diana Honig
Andrew Melendez Palacios Emily Blanck
(14 Organization Members)
TOTAL: 58 Voting Members Quorum: 30 (DPCCC Bylaws Article IV, §5 “more than 50% of Regular Members in good standing.”
Chair Katie Ricklefs
Executive Committee
Katie Ricklefs
The Executive Committee shall carry out and/or oversee all DPCCC executive and administrative duties.
Equity, Anti-Racism & Justice
Roxanne Carillo Garza
Rules Committee
Jeff Koertzen (Chair)
Propose changes to by-laws and standing rules.
First Vice-Chair (Elections) Tamela Hawley
Elections Committee
Kathleen Van Winckel
Develop and conduct trainings workshops for Democrats interested in running for office; help in planning GOTV (Get out the Vote); plan and implement voter registration program and VBM (Vote by Mail).
Endorsements Committee
Addison Peterson & Clay Hawley (Co-Chairs)
A special committee to oversee the DPCCC candidate endorsement process.
Issues Committee
Jeremy Levine
Review and recommend action on all propositions and resolutions on local, state and national issues brought before the DPCCC.
Second Vice-Chair (Membership) Joey D. Smith
Club Development Committee
Renee Zeimer & Champagne Brown (Co-Chairs)
Provide guidance for existing and new clubs; promote club activities; and encourage club participation in DPCCC activities.
Training Committee
Cheryl Sudduth
Educate each new DPCCC member on their duties and responsibilities. Plan and conduct DPCCC training workshops for members and officers.
Membership & Recruiting Committee
Dominique King
BBQ, Holiday Party
Secretary Jamin Pursell
Infrastructure & Communications Committee
Laura Patch
Manage social media, website and online presence as well as maintain membership email distribution. Review and manage DPCCC publications.
Controller Robyn Kuslits
Finance Committee
Robyn Kuslits
The finance committee shall provide financial oversight for the DPCCC.
Fundraising Committee
Carolyn Wysinger & Antwon Webster (Co-Chairs)
Assist with all DPCCC fundraising; propose fundraising projects including the Annual Roosevelt Dinner.
Chair Katie Ricklefs
Transition Committee
Jeff Koertzen & Robyn Kuslits (2025-2026 Co-Chairs)
The Transition Committee is tasked to ensure the safe and intact transfer of all records, correspondence, files, books, financial records, and documents as they pertain to the DPCCC to the new officers or chairs and to ensure the continued operation and function of said offices and/or sub-committees. [Term: Approximately 6 months in even-numbered years.]
Complaint & Discipline Review Committee (CDRC)
Courtney Masella-O’Brien (Chair)
The CDRC receives and hears complaints about process and procedures or against individuals (disciplinary complaints) and determines whether or not there is sufficient evidence for the Executive Committee or the Central Committee may move forward with corrective or discplinary actions according to the DPCCC Complaint & Due Process Policy & Procedure.
Partnership, Engagement & Accountability
Craig Cheslog (Chair)
The PEA special committee seeks to facilitate the DPCCC’s partnership, engagement, and accountability with our elected Democratic officials at all levels throughout the county.
First Vice-Chair (Elections) Tamela Hawley
Volunteer Activism Committee
Cecilia Minalga
The volunteer activism committee promotes and supports activities led by other clubs and groups to harness the power of Contra Costa activists to help Democrats win elections. We partner with the Bay Area Coalition, utilizing people-powered strategies to turn out the vote: phone banking, voter registration, and canvassing. Our target districts are the California Central Valley, Arizona, Nevada, and special elections. To support volunteers, we also provide speaker series, training sessions, and messaging library.
Controller Robyn Kuslits
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee is formed after to Organizational Meeting to review the books and records of the DPCCC Controller and Treasurer. The audit is required within 90 days from the confirmation of its members. [Term: Approximately 3 months in odd-numbered years.]
Chair Katie Ricklefs
CJ & Associates
The principal duty of the Treasurer is to prepare and execute the statements required to be filed under the political campaign finance laws to which the DPCCC is subject.
The Parliamentarian shall advise the Chair and other officers, committees, and members on matters of parliamentary procedure and assist with any questions that may arise in interpreting the By-Laws and any and all applicable rules of order.
MOE Administrator
Kathleen Van Winckel
The MOE [Mobilize, Organize and Elect] system is specifically designed for the CDP [California Democratic Party] to facilitate Party building activities such as membership outreach, voter registration, voter education, volunteer recruitment, and effective campaigning on behalf of Democratic Party candidates and endorsed ballot issues. The system will contain Voter IDs from previous CDP campaigns and intends to identify more voters for use in future campaigns.