Proclamation in Celebration of American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month, November 1 – 30, 2022; California Native American Day, September 23, 2022; National Day of Recognition of Native American Heritage, November 25, 2022

DPCCC membership approved the following resolution at the September 15, 2022 regular meeting.

WHEREAS California comprises the following federally recognized Native American tribes: The Western Region has 27 federally recognized tribes, the Southern Region has 30 federally recognized tribes, the Northern Region has 19 federally recognized tribes and the Eastern Region has 28 federally recognized tribes and these federally recognized tribes are hosts of the lands in California that have more federally recognized tribes than any other state in the US; and

WHEREAS Native American history spans thousands of years throughout our continent, pre-dating the establishment of the United State of America,  and the contributions of the Indigenous tribes to our way of living are vast, from food, spiritual practices, healing practices, government and political contributions, protectors of the land and other natural resources, writers, athletes, thespians, political pioneers, veterans, artists, scientists, knowledge keepers of the Native Universe past and present and developers and contributors of the National Museum of the American Indian; and

WHEREAS the diversity that exists within the tribes of California Native Americans are committed to contributing to new and improved educational resources and curriculum that is provided by the State’s History-Social Studies frameworks for K-12 public schools to include updated and broad information on the history and culture of the original inhabitants of California; and

WHEREAS we can never undo the wrongs that were inflicted on the people who lived on these lands known as the state of California, but we can work together to build fair, respectful and balanced coalitions that speak the truth about California’s past to begin to heal the deep trauma, loss and grief, and  

WHEREAS Governor Gavin Newsom issued an executive order apologizing for the violence, mistreatment and neglect inflicted upon California Native Americans throughout the State’s history, establishing a Truth and Healing Council to correct the historical records of California Native Americans; and

WHEREAS California designated the fourth Friday of every September as California Native American Day; and

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County recognizes and fully supports the California Native American Day on the fourth Friday of September, National Day of Recognition of Native American heritage and American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month, in the month of November and participate in local efforts to right the wrongs of the past.

Respectfully submitted by:

Debra Vinson, Choctaw, CADEM, Finance Committee Member, AD11, DPCCC, District III Elected Representative, ECCDC Founder and Chair in 2021

Reviewed by Renee Zeimer, 2022

Approved by the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County, September 15, 2022

Proclamation In Honor Of Veterans Day, November 11th, 2022

DPCCC membership approved the following resolution at the September 15, 2022 regular meeting.

WHEREAS, from the founding of our nation to the present day, we have had need from time to time to call upon our people to take up arms to defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic; and

WHEREAS there have always been those among our neighbors, friends and families who have answered this call, and risen as a free people to defend liberty and democracy; leaving their homes and families to face the nation’s foes, and all too often returning home with wounds seen and unseen, and 

WHEREAS we recognize and accept as a sacred duty the need to honor this service, and care for those who have suffered in defense of the nation, and for the families of those who have fallen or have returned in pain that the rest of us may live in freedom and happiness; and

 WHEREAS November the 11th has been designated by act of Congress as Veteran’s Day, and dedicated to the memory and celebration of all who have served in the defense of the nation, and for the families and friend who have loved and supported them; and

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County calls upon our fellow citizens to take time on this special day to recognize the valor, courage, and sacrifice of our veterans through appropriate ceremonies and personal appreciation. We call upon all representatives of government, civic organizations, schools, and private industries to fully support the celebration of this holiday, and to honor those among us who have served their nation and communities so faithfully and well.

Submitted by Peter Ericson, Associate Member, District 2

Approved by the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County, September 15, 2022

Resolution urging that the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors conduct open study sessions on critical Contra Costa County Sheriff Department functions related to the internal investigations process from an equity lens, including potential oversight mechanisms

DPCCC membership approved the following resolution at the September 15, 2022 regular meeting.

WHEREAS in 2020 the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors declared racism was a public health crisis and “a social system with multiple dimensions: individual racism that is internalized or interpersonal and systemic racism that is institutional or structural”; and

WHEREAS in 2020 the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors declared that Black/African Americans, Latinx, and other communities of color are disproportionally impacted by health disparities; and

WHEREAS mental care and health care are equity issues which disproportionately impact communities of color in Contra Costa County with respect to access to intervention services, proper diagnosis and care; and

WHEREAS it required the proactive efforts of advocates to ensure that the County established mobile crisis and alternative behavioral health crisis intervention models such as the A3 model (Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime); and

 WHEREAS the work of advocates like Duane Chapman, former chair of the County Mental Health Commission, advocated for mental health crisis response reform for many years; and

WHEREAS the Contra Costa Sheriff Department sent staff to be trained on the Mental Health Evaluation Team (MHET) model in 2012, but did not implement a MHET team until 2021, years after many Contra Costa cities implemented the program when leadership was required; and

WHEREAS there are longstanding concerns about Coroner’s findings in inquests, and actions of deputies by the families of those who lost their lives from use of force as a result of mental health crisis response by Contra Costa County Sheriff deputies that exposed the County to legal liability; and

 WHEREAS Sheriff Livingston supported the actions of Deputy Hall, who was charged and convicted, and wrote a public letter to his deputies supporting the actions of Deputy Andrew Hall, who was sentenced to six years in prison after being convicted of assault with a firearm in the fatal shooting of motorist Laudemer Arboleda, 33, during a slow-speed car chase in November 2018; and

 WHEREAS Deputy Andrew Hall was permitted to return to duty while the previous case was pending and fatally shot Tyrell Wilson, 33, in Danville on March 11, 2021; and

 WHEREAS there are concerns about the accuracy and thoroughness of recent Sheriff’s investigations, including a recent case where criminal charges have been filed in the case of a former Contra Costa County Sheriff volunteer with the Contra Costa County Posse who is accused of building and selling ghost guns obtained from the Sheriff’s gun range; and

 WHEREAS these actions expose the County to legal and financial liability; and

WHEREAS these actions are a concern to public trust which merit investigation and procedural changes; and

WHEREAS the citizens of the County have requested oversight and checks and balances for investigations by the Contra Costa County Sheriff Department to help build positive relationships, trust and transparency between the community and law enforcement.  

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County ask the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors to conduct open study sessions regarding critical Sheriff Department functions related to the internal investigations process from an equity lens, including establishing a civilian oversight body; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that by January 15th, 2023, the County Administrator’s Office convenes a working group to create oversight recommendations to the full Board of Supervisors which would include two to three community advocates, at least two individuals with lived experience or familial experience with the behavioral health system, at least two community representatives , the Sheriff and/or his designee,  two representatives of the Contra Costa County Deputy Sheriff’s Association, and at least two representatives from BIPOC communities; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the findings of this process be presented to the Board of Supervisors on a regular basis for public comment and review along with a measurement dashboard, including examining mental health encounters and treatment referrals from a race equity framework in a public process for discourse. 

Original resolution submitted June 30, 2022, by Michelle Milam and Maria Alegria, elected delegate, District 1

Approved by the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County, September 15, 2022

Resolution Committing to Free Fair Elections

DPCCC membership approved the following resolution at the September 15, 2022 regular meeting.

WHEREAS the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County recognizes and supports the fundamental right of voters to decide the outcome of our elections and expects the subsequent peaceful transfer of power as not merely a venerable tradition but paramount to the survival of democracy and the Republic, and 

WHEREAS the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County places a high value on elections that are free and fair, accessible and safe, secure and transparent, and is proud of Contra Costa County’s long history of administering elections that are reliable and trustworthy, and

WHEREAS the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County is aware of advisories issued by the California Secretary of State indicating that rumors and misinformation concerning election procedures, whether intentional or otherwise, continue to cast doubt on the integrity of elections and, according to a major network news poll, “threats to democracy” has become voters’ top issue facing the country, 

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County will continue to support and defend elections that are safe, free and fair and will not tolerate attempts by any elected officials, candidates, special interest groups, or other actors who undermine the election process, threaten election workers or voters, or disregard the collective will of the voters.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County solemnly commits to recognize the legitimacy of democratically elected officials of this jurisdiction, the State of California and the United States, regardless of personal preference, and will use its platform to fiercely defend the Constitution and our democracy from such unlawful threats to our freedoms and fundamental voting rights.

Submitted by Renee Zeimer, Elected Member, District 2

Approved by the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County, September 15, 2022

Agenda for special Membership meeting to decide 2022 endorsements

DPCCC is holding a special Membership meeting this Thursday, September 1 at 6pm to decide our 2022 general election endorsements. Although it has already been noticed to members by email as usual with our meeting agendas, the agenda is also being posted here on the public website in compliance with our Bylaws:

Any DPCCC meeting where official endorsements will be voted on must have this item properly placed on the agenda, and the agenda must be postmarked or sent by e-mail to all DPCCC members at least seven (7) days before the meeting is held and posted on the DPCCC public website.

If you are a registered Democrat, wish to attend, and do not already have the Zoom link for the meeting, please email the Secretary to receive it.

Please note that while any registered Democrat may attend, only the Regular Members of DPCCC and/or their Alternates will be able to vote.

Special membership agenda

2022 general election endorsements

Thursday, September 1, 2022, 6pm


  1. Call to order and welcome
  2. Review Zoom meeting procedures
  3. Establish a quorum (31 out of 60 Regular Members)  
  4. Approve agenda
  5. Action items and reports
    1. 1st Vice-Chair – Susana Williams
      1. Endorsements Committee – Irene Tait and Tamela Hawley
        1. General election 2022 endorsements consent calendar (additional documents: Endorsements voting process, candidate questionnaires)
  6. Adjourn