DPCCC new candidate training in November – Register by Nov 12

On November 13 and 20, DPCCC is offering trainings for Democrats aspiring to run for office or manage a campaign. All participants are asked to read and agree to support the California Democratic Party platform: https://cadem.org/our-platform/

Candidate Basics Training

Are you a community leader with strong democratic values? We want to help you run for office! Join the Democratic Party of Contra Costa Saturday, November 13 from 1:00- 2:30 pm PST for a free virtual introduction on how to prepare to run. Hear from elected officials about what it takes to win. Don’t miss out on this opportunity- Register today! When choosing applicants to join our program, we prioritize leaders who are women, people of color, and transgender and non-binary people. (The last day to register is Nov 12!)
Register via Mobilize: https://www.mobilize.us/cadems/event/425674/

Campaign Management 101

Are you ready to learn the skills needed to run a political campaign? Whether you’re wanting to support a democratic candidate or just learn how to become more involved in campaigns this training is for you. Join the Democratic Party of Contra Costa Saturday, November 20 from 1:00- 2:30 pm PST for a free virtual introduction to running a winning political campaign. Hear from local campaign managers who have done the work. Don’t miss out on this opportunity- Register today! When choosing applicants to join our program, we prioritize leaders who are women, people of color, and transgender and non-binary people. (The last day to register is Nov 19!)
Register via Mobilize: https://www.mobilize.us/cadems/event/425672/

San Ramon canvass against the recall Sat, Aug 28, 9am

Help us Canvass San Ramon with Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Kahan, Councilmember Sabina Zafar, San Ramon Valley Dems, TriValley Dems and the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County this Saturday!

Recall ballots are out, and this Saturday, August 28, at 9am, we’ll be gathering to drop literature at Democrats doors throughout San Ramon. This is an easy, unintimidating way to get involved and help support Democrats and Governor Newsom in the Recall. Stop Republicans from this power grab and support our efforts to  Get out the Vote!

Co-hosted by the San Ramon Valley Democratic Club, the Tri-Valley Democrats  and the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County. We will meet at Councilwoman Sabina Zafar’s house. Please meet at 9:00 AM sharp at 228 Aspenwood Court, San Ramon, CA 94582

Please sign up by sending your name, email and phone number to Kathleen Van Winckel at Smythkate0@gmail.com.

Saturday canvass against the recall with Diablo Valley Dems

From Jamie Salcido, president of Diablo Valley Democratic Club (a local club chartered by DPCCC). To sign up, please email info@dvdems.org.

Hello Fellow Democrats!

Thank you for signing up to help drop off door hangers at Democratic households in Walnut Creek to Vote NO on the Recall, hosted by the Diablo Valley Democratic Club, the Democrats of Rossmoor, and the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County. Let’s make sure we keep Gavin Newsom in the Governor’s office, and squash this attempted power grab by Trump Republicans!

Before Saturday

Kathleen Van Winckel will be setting you up with PDI access prior to Saturday. Please download the “PDI Mobile Connect” app, available on both Apple and Android devices:

You will sign in using the email you used for registration and a password that Kathleen will be texting to you. Please watch this training video on how to use the app:

On Saturday, August 21

You will be able to stop by my house to pick up the door hangers to drop off to your list, starting at 8:30am for anyone who wants to get off to an early start, and we’ll be around until 10am. Here is the address:

Home of Jamie Salcido
233 Las Lomas Way
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
mobile: (925) 718-6354

There is plenty of street parking on Las Lomas Way and San Carlos Drive.

Please wear a mask, regardless of vaccination status, as we do have a 5-year-old child on the property. Thank you!

We already have a great group, but we’d love to get more volunteers — please help us spread the word to encourage others to sign up, and we welcome you to bring a friend or family member to walk with you.

Thank you so much for your enthusiasm to support this effort! Please reach out with any questions.

Vote NO on the Republican Recall September 14th

National Republicans have found their latest scheme, recalling Governor Gavin Newsom. The Republican Recall is a partisan power grab and an attempt by national Republicans and the far-right to force a costly re-election for taxpayers and seize control in California, the nation’s largest Democratic state.  

What’s at stake? The consequences of a Republican Governor will have a dire impact on the daily lives of Californians that are already living in an environment frought with many challenges – a global pandemic and rising COVID cases; an economic recession, racial injustices and a climate crisis. The leaders of the Republican Recall seek to repeal clean air protections, roll back gun safety laws, strip migrant workers of their protections, and take away critical access to healthcare during a pandemic. 

GET INVOLVED AND TAKE ACTION!  Help Stop the Recall by participating in any of the activities below.  For more information on volunteering, contact Cecilia at volunteer@contracostadems.com or call 510-693-4259!

Learn more about the Recall HERE!

Join our Contra Costa Democrats team! 

Take action with Contra Costa Democrats in the fight against this Recall!

DPCCC District 5 Director vacancy and election

As announced at yesterday’s regular Membership meeting, DPCCC’s District 5 Director Danial Leahy has resigned his position. Under our bylaws, this position must be “filled by election of a qualified candidate at a regular meeting no later than sixty (60) days after the official notice of vacancy.”

Election procedure

This election will be held immediately before our regular Membership meeting on Thursday, August 19, at 6:30pm, on Zoom (email secretary@contracostadems.com for the link). Please sign in by 6:15pm so you can be credentialed for voting.

If you are registered to vote with Democratic party preference in District 5, have paid current dues to DPCCC as a registered Democrat by August 18, and have not lost your standing, then you will be entitled to vote in this election.

The election will follow the substance of the procedures approved at the January 21, 2021 reorganizational meeting. (The portion of these procedures about DSCC delegates is not relevant to this upcoming election.) In summary: Qualified voters in D5 will gather and elect the new D5 Director.

Anyone may attend and observe the election, but only DPCCC members in good standing in D5 may vote.


Eligibility to run and serve as D5 Director is the same as eligibility to vote in this election: DPCCC member (including Associate) in good standing, registered to vote in D5.

August 11 is the deadline to submit your candidacy. Please email your candidate statement to secretary@contracostadems.com. You may include whatever information you find relevant. Candidate statements will be sent to DPCCC members by email on August 12, one week before the election.

Background information

DPCCC has a Director for each of the five Supervisorial districts (map) in Contra Costa. The Directors gather information, coordinate action, and maintain DPCCC’s relationships with residents, activists, and Democratic candidates and elected officials in their respective districts.

Along with DPCCC’s officers, the District Directors are elected every two years at our January reorganizational meeting. They are voting members of the Executive Committee, and are Regular Members (i.e. Voting Members) of DPCCC by virtue of their District Director positions, even if they were not Regular Members otherwise.

Unlike the officers, the District Directors are elected by the DPCCC members in good standing in their respective districts, including Associate Members, rather than by the Voting Members from across the county.

District 5 covers northern Contra Costa from Hercules, through Martinez and Pittsburg, to northern Antioch.

Introducing DPCCC’s first newsletter

DPCCC Leadership is launching a newsletter to keep members informed. Here is the first issue: https://mailchi.mp/7773aba831c6/dpccc-region-13481838. The newsletter will be sent to our email list and posted on this blog each month following our regular Membership meeting, outlining our activities and actions, and offering opportunities to participate.

To submit an item for the newsletter, please email secretary@contracostadems.com.