Category Archives: events
Co Co Democrats w/ Eric Swalwell, June 19th
Posted at the request of Rep. Eric Swalwell’s campaign:

Eric Swalwell Outdoor BBQ & Bocce Event
2 pm – 4 pm, June 19th
Garré Vineyard & Winery
7986 Tesla Road
Livermore, CA 94550
RSVP via Martin Nelson mnelson@ericswalwell.com (or through ActBlue or just arrive!)
June 15, CADEM launches organizing effort to Stop the Republican Recall
From the California Democratic Party:
Today, we face the biggest threat in years from the GOP. The Republican National Committee, wealthy Trump donors and right-wing extremists have joined forces in an attempt to recall Governor Gavin Newsom.
The California Democratic Party (CADEM) is playing a critical grassroots organizing role in the anti-recall effort. As a part of the effort, CADEM will launch an organizing effort to Stop the Republican Recall on June 15 from 6 – 7 p.m. We’ll use this time to learn more about the recall effort against Governor Gavin Newsom and how we’ll work together over the next few months to fight back against the right-wing Republican recall attempt.
Stop the Republican Recall Organizing Launch
Tuesday June 15
6 – 7 p.m.
Join the grassroots, people-powered movement to stand with Californians and Governor Gavin Newsom.
In solidarity,
California Democratic Party
FPPC Form 700 training from San Mateo County Dems

San Mateo County Central Committee has invited us to join them on this free webinar on Campaign & Club Finance. Many of us could use more information on this! This presentation has live presenters to answer questions, but the convenience of a webinar so no travel involved. Sign up at this link: http://bit.ly/SMCDemsFPPCWebinar
The DPCCC FUNraiser Auction is open for bidding!
Link – bit.ly/2021FUNraiser
Many of our members have donated items, ranging from treasured memorabilia to a chance to get back out in the world on a vacation or just enjoy a meal on a leisurely afternoon in a lovely backyard! And wine, so much wine…..
Our Democratic elected officeholders have created opportunities for those social outings we’ve all missed –
Sharing a coffee or a meal in a restaurant with a host guaranteed to provide interesting conversation,
A champagne brunch after a hike and a wine tasting at a top-notch winery!
Or, join a small group in an outdoor home setting to relax, watch a movie and learn a few things.
And much more – check out the website! Link – bit.ly/2021FUNraiser
The funds raised will help the DPCCC recruit, support and promote Democratic candidates as we head into the 2022 mid-terms. And right now, we’ll be joining the fight to Stop the Recall!
It’s not too late to donate items, contact Marilynn Schuyler at 703-675-8782 or Schuyler@SchuylerAAP.com to make arrangements for collection.
And it’s never too late to make a cash donation to the 2022 Campaign Unity Fund at this link. https://secure.actblue.com/donate/2022campaignunityfund
A final thought -The Auction Committee wants to emphasize how grateful we are for the many creative, thoughtful donations to this year’s fundraiser. Take note bidders – the best thank you is to bid high!

Valley Blue in 22
Update! Speaker Pelosi will be joining us!

Purchase your tickets today at bit.ly/valleyblue22. Join us on Thursday, May 27, 7:00 pm for a fun-filled evening hosted by comedian, writer, actress and podcaster Leighann Lord, and featuring
- Rep. Katie Porter and Josh Harder
- Senator Alex Padilla
- CDP Vice-chair Betty Yee
- Other House and Central Valley Democrats
Let’s provide the support, phone banks, and most importantly money to win in the Central Valley in 2022. In CA21, TJ Cox flipped the seat with 862 votes in 2018, and lost the seat in 2020 by 1,522 votes. These are small margins, and your efforts make a difference.
Purchase a ticket or donate to the Valley Blue in 22 fundraiser on May 27, 7:00 pm. Our work will register and engage voters to defend and retake House seats in the Central Valley … electing Democrats up and down the ballot. Purchase your tickets today at bit.ly/valleyblue22.

2021 DPCCC FUNraiser Auction (May 14-23)
Posted on behalf of Auction Chair Marilynn Schuyler:
Dear DPCCC Friends:
Last year’s auction was a great success, thanks to all of you. It was so much fun, that we are doing it again!
The 2021 DPCCC FUNraiser Auction will run May 14-23, but before we begin, we need donations (see below) and volunteers to help deliver items at the close of the auction.
We will be accepting auction items through April 30.
We welcome any donation that will fit in an envelope – gift certificates, posters, etc. We will also accept books, bottles of wine & spirits, and other items that would be of interest to our community. Other ideas include:
- Vacation home rental
- Homemade meal or dessert delivery
- Boat ride on the Delta
- Meal or Coffee with Elected Officials
- A basket of items donated by a group (i.e. Marsh Creek Dems)
- Airline or hotel points
- Political Memorabilia
- Certificate for computer assistance, home repair, item assembly, or any other skill you have to offer
- Anything else that you can be provided in certificate form (i.e. donated restaurant or activity certificate)
Please keep in mind that the opening bid on donated items will be set at half of the value of the item, and bidding often stops below the value of the item.
To donate an item(s), please contact Marilynn Schuyler at 703-675-8782 or Schuyler@SchuylerAAP.com to make arrangements for collection. Please don’t hesitate to contact Marilynn with any questions regarding potential auction item(s).
Finally if you don’t wish to participate in the auction but would like to make a contribution to the DPCCC 2022 Campaign Unity Fund, the ActBlue link is: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/2022campaignunityfund.
The funds raised will be used to expand our efforts to ensure DEMOCRAT VICTORIES in our 2022 local and county elections!! Consider this as an investment in your Community, State and this Country!!
Marilynn at 703-675-8782 or Schuyler@SchuylerAAP.com
The link to the auction site is:
(To see last year’s auction, please visit: https://www.32auctions.com/DPCCC.)
As always, Stay Safe and Wear a Mask in Public!!
Marilynn Schuyler, Auction Chair
DPCCC’s CDP officer candidate forum available to view
DPCCC’s virtual forum for California Democratic Party officer candidates at our March 18, 2021 meeting was a great success! Thank you to all candidates, to our members who organized and moderated the forum, and to Democrats who attended. You can watch the forum here. Please feel free to share!