El Cerrito Dems

This is a local Democratic club chartered by DPCCC. For more info, contact the club. https://ecdclub.org/club-meetings/

Rossmoor Dems General Meeting

Rossmoor Event Center, Walnut Creek

 RSVP required to enter Rossmoor info@democratsofrossmoor.org

Pittsburg Dems

This is a local Democratic club chartered by DPCCC.

San Ramon Valley Dems

This is a local Democratic club chartered by DPCCC. For more info, contact the club. https://srvdems.org/

Kensington Dems

This is a local Democratic club chartered by DPCCC.

Executive Committee Meeting

The DPCCC Executive Committee Meeting is open to observers who are members of the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County.All Leadership Team Members will receive agendas seven days before the meeting by email.For information send email to secretary@contracostadems.com.

Diablo Valley Dems Monthly Meeting

Gratitude Coffee Bar 1655 Willow Pass Rd, Suite B, Concord, CA, United States

Local club, Diablo Valley Dems is chartered by the DPCCC. Meetings are the 1st Monday of each month, starting with 6:30 pm social half hour.  Meeting is from 7 to 8:30 pm. Gratitude Coffee Bar, 1655 Willow Pass Road, Concord or you can join via Zoom at 7 pm. For more info, events or to […]

Finance Committee

For details, email the Finance Committee Chair at finance@contracostadems.com.

Contra Costa Young Dems

This is a local Democratic club chartered by DPCCC. For more info, visit  https://cocoyoungdems.org/ or email cocoyoungdems@gmail.com.