East Contra Costa Democratic Club
Zoom CAContact: eccdcdems@gmail.com for Zoom link.
Contact: eccdcdems@gmail.com for Zoom link.
If you are not a DPCCC member and wish to attend, please RSVP to the DPCCC Secretary at secretary@contracostadems.com. If you are a DPCCC member, you should have received an email with details for the meeting about seven days in advance. If you did not, please email the DPCCC Secretary at secretary@contracostadems.com.
For details, email the Issues Committee Chair at issues@contracostadems.com. Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/83379032831?pwd=dk5uSWxIUGEzSzkvcmtBTEViZlBXQT09
For details including the Zoom link, email the Issues Committee Chair at issues@contracostadems.com. Hold date/time for any emergency issues. Meeting may be cancelled for the holidays if no urgent issues pending.
For more information about this Zoom meeting, please contact Ellis Goldberg at 925-831-8355 or ellisg237@aol.com.
Monthly meeting of DPCCC Communications & Infrastructure Committee, team responsible for outbound communications for the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County – website, social media, public relations and email. Janet Bell is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: DPCCC Infrastructure and Communications Committee Meeting Time: Dec 11, 2023 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US […]
Contra Costa Clubs Council meets on an as-needed basis, not monthly. If you are interested in attending future meetings, please contact Ellis Goldberg at 925-831-8355 or ellisg237@aol.com
This is a local Democratic club chartered by DPCCC. For more info, contact the club. https://ecdclub.org/club-meetings/
RSVP required to enter Rossmoor info@democratsofrossmoor.org