Many thanks to our Monthly Donors

Every dollar makes a difference and will help our Democratic team get that much closer to victory!  You can donate online (just click on the word Donate and fill out the form) or you can send a check, made payable to DPCCC (Democratic Party of Contra Costa County) to: DPCCC, P. O. Box 4112, Walnut Creek, CA 94596.


A monthly donation will go even farther – if you can, please Make It Monthly!  Join our Monthly Donors who have already made that commitment….

Floy Andrews
Rebecca Barrett
Champagne Brown
Sarah Butler
Chuck Carpenter
Joseph Ely
Rebecca Freed
Susan Hildreth
Jeffrey Koertzen
Tom Larson
Cecilia Minalga
Michael Nye
Laura Patch
Katie Ricklefs
Kathy Van Winckel
Susana Williams
Jack Ziegler