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MONTHLY NEWSLETTER ISSUE #9 (MAY 2023) CHAIR’S MESSAGE Our newly elected County Clerk-Recorder, Kristin Connelly, joined us at our April 2023 General Meeting to share an update about her activities since she took office. I am delighted that she was able to share ways all of us can help our county conduct elections fairly and effectively. You can read the details about Clerk Connelly’s remarks in the meeting summary below. I hope you will consider helping out! The officers of our chartered clubs have been working diligently over the past few weeks to re-charter their clubs and prepare for the California Democratic Party’s endorsement process later this year. I encourage every Democrat to join one or more Democratic clubs. They have been hosting great programs and working hard to recruit new members. I’m pleased to announce that the DPCCC will hold our Roosevelt Awards Dinner in August. This will be the first event since 2019. We look forward to restarting this tradition and having a great crowd on hand for an exciting program. I look forward to having the opportunity to share more details soon! Finally, I want to make sure you are aware of the press release the DPCCC sent out to express our condemnation of the actions of certain local police officers for the racist, sexist, xenophobic, and homophobic actions that recent investigations have exposed. I encourage all Democrats to read the statement and to be prepared to assist our local elected officials as they work to reform their agencies and end these injustices. Stay healthy and engaged, Katie Ricklefs Chair, Democratic Party of Contra Costa County APRIL 2023 DPCCC REGULAR MEMBERSHIP MEETING REPORT The DPCCC’s Regular Membership Meeting on April 20, 2023, featured a presentation by newly elected Contra Costa County Clerk-Recorder Kristin Connelly. She shared details about how her office works and the duties of her office. Connelly announced that the Contra Costa County Election Division was recently selected as one of just 16 jurisdictions nationwide to be a Center for Election Excellence. The office also received the Democracy Award from the National Association of Election Officials for leading the 11-county Coalition of Bay Area Elections Officials (bayareavotes.org) for collaborating to fight mis-and dis-information about elections in our shared media market. Connelly explained how people can help her office ensure our county has efficient and fair elections. Her suggestions included the following: * Volunteer as poll workers, depot drivers, extraction team, or Election night observers; * Sign up for the Certified Election Observer (CEO) Program, and encourage others to do so; * Repost our Elections social media posts/tweets * Attend our future Community Engagement Groups; * Volunteer to sit on subcommittees for language and accessibility; * Help us register new voters with boots on the ground in underserved communities; * Recommend our office for speaking engagements, appearances, interviews, etc., to their members and community groups. Regular and Associate Members of the DPCCC can request a copy of Connelly’s presentation slides by emailing the DPCCC Secretary at secretary@contracostadems.com. DPCCC members also heard reports from our committees about their recent work and plans for the year. Our committees need your help! You can still volunteer to help on one or more of our committees by completing the Committee Interest Form. Regular and Associate Members of the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County are eligible to apply for membership in one or more of our Standing Committees. New members can join the DPCCC as Associate Members at any time if they are registered Democrats. Dues for Associate Members are $24/year, and you can click here to sign up! The meeting adjourned in memory of Tique Lee Caul on what would have been her 70th birthday. Tique, who passed away in April 2018, was a well-known activist and volunteer in our area. She also previously served as a publicly elected member of the DPCCC from Supervisorial District 5. Would you like to learn more? Under DPCCC’s file access policy, access to all non-confidential DPCCC files is available to any DPCCC member (including Associates) upon request by emailing the Secretary. You can pay your dues by clicking here! If you are not a DPCCC member and wish to attend the monthly membership meeting, which is typically held on the third Thursday of the month, please RSVP to the DPCCC Secretary at secretary@contracostadems.com. If you are a DPCCC member, you should receive an email with details for the meeting about seven days in advance. If you do not, please email the DPCCC Secretary at secretary@contracostadems.com. CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION The next California Democratic Party State Convention will be held from May 25-28 in Los Angeles. The DPCCC earlier this year elected 42 Regular and Associate Members to represent us at this event. There will also be Contra Costa delegates who were elected Assembly District Delegates and appointees of members of the State Assembly, State Senate, and the House of Representatives. If you are a CADEM delegate and cannot attend the Convention, please let the DPCCC Secretary know by emailing secretary@contracostadems.com so we can try to arrange for a proxy. Members interested in being a proxy can also email the Secretary so we can try to help with these arrangements. Delegates and proxies are also invited to attend a reception for Alameda and Contra Costa members co-sponsored by the two Democratic County Central Committees and the Alameda and Contra Costa Central Labor Councils on Friday, May 26, from 9-10 p.m. at Fixins Soul Kitchen—LA Live. The event will include complimentary appetizers and a no-host bar. CADEM 102 TRAINING: THE CONVENTION DPCCC Rules Committee Chair Jeff Koertzen will host the second module of his California Democratic Party Delegate Training, CADEM 102: The Convention, on Saturday, May 20, from 10 a.m.-12 noon via Zoom. An in-person CADEM Convention can be overwhelming at first. We will discuss the general agenda as well as the specific agenda for this year’s convention. We will discuss what to expect in General Sessions as well as committee meetings, caucus meetings, and other events that are occurring throughout the convention and how to make the most of your time. To sign up go to https://jeffkoertzen.com/event/cadem-102/. DPCCC BUSINESS CARDS The DPCCC has arranged with a local union printer for our members to order business cards in time for the CADEM State Convention. The DPCCC can provide the artwork based on our template with the DPCCC logo. People who wish to order business cards will be responsible for making their payment directly with the printer. The minimum order is 250 business cards. If you would like to order business cards, please email secretary@contracostadems.com. Jeff Koertzen has generously offered to provide blank business cards with the DPCCC logo on them for people who may prefer this alternative to purchasing so many cards at one time. Please let Jeff know at rules@contracostadems.com if you would like some of these blank business cards. You can also check in with him in person at the Convention. RESOLUTIONS AND LEGISLATION The DPCCC adopted the following proclamations and resolutions at its April and May Regular Membership Meetings: Proclamation of May 2023 as Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month Proclamation Declaring May 2023 as Jewish American Heritage Month Proclamation in Support of Juneteenth (Monday, June 19, 2023) Proclamation in Support of June 2023 as LGBTQIA+ Pride Month Resolution Supporting Tribal Recognition of the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe // Click here to read the Issues Committee Application. Resolution Stop the Privatization of Traditional Medicare via the ACO-REACH Program The DPCCC voted at its April and May Regular Membership Meetings to take positions on the following bills currently under consideration by the California State Legislature: SUPPORT Assembly Constitutional Amendment 5 by Assembly Member Low (Marriage Equality Constitutional Amendment). Click here to read the Issues Committee Application. SUPPORT Assembly Bill 9 by Assembly Member Muratsuchi and Senate Bill 12 by Senators Stern, Allen, and Weiner (Greenhouse Emission Goals). Click here to read the Issues Committee Application. SUPPORT Assembly Bill 254 by Assembly Member Bauer-Kahan (Confidentiality of Medical Information Act). Click here to read the Issues Committee Application. SUPPORT Assembly Bill 1335 by Assembly Zbur (Strengthening Sustainable Communities’ Strategies). Click here to read the Issues Committee Application. SUPPORT Senate Bill 36 by Senator Skinner (Out-of-state criminal charges: prosecution related to abortion, contraception, reproductive care, and gender-affirming care). Click here to read the Issues Committee Application. SUPPORT Senate Bill 345 by Senator Skinner (Health care services: legally protected health care activities). Click here to read the Issues Committee Application. SUPPORT Senate Bill 525 by Senator Durazo (Minimum wage: health care workers). Click here to read the Issues Committee Application. SUPPORT Senate Bill 674 by Senators Gonzalez and Lena (Refinery Air Pollution Transparency & Reduction Act). Click here to read the Issues Committee Application.You can learn more about the Issues Committee’s process for reviewing legislation, resolutions, and proclamations by reading its submission guidelines and application for consideration. You can review an index and full text of the Resolutions adopted by the DPCCC since 2020 and Legislative Trackers including all of the bills on which the DPCCC has taken a position since 2021 in this Google Drive folder.DPCCC EVENT CALENDARClick here to see the DPCCC Event Calendar, including events to which all DPCCC members are invited. To request the addition of an item to the calendar, please email secretary@contracostadems.com.LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINKDo you have any questions or feedback about this DPCCC Newsletter? We would love to hear from you! Please send your comments to commsdir@contracostadems.com. |
Copyright © 2023 secretary@contracostadems.com, All rights reserved. |
Tag Archives: California-Democratic-Party
Executive Committee
The DPCCC Executive Committee Meeting is open to observers who are members of the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County.
All Leadership Team Members will receive agendas 7 days before the meeting by email.
For information send email to secretary@contracostadems.com.
Resolution in Support of Divesting the California Democratic Party from Fossil Fuel and Law Enforcement Contributions
DPCCC membership approved the following resolution at the October 21, 2021 regular meeting.
WHEREAS, although a California Democratic Party (CDP) ad hoc committee unanimously recommended the end of fossil fuel contributions in March 2020, and the CDP Finance Committee recommended to end law enforcement contributions in July 2020, these recommendations have, over a year later, not been adopted by the CDP, nor given an opportunity to be voted on by the CDP Executive Board or CDP Delegates; and motions made by the African American and Environmental Caucus Chairs to end the acceptance of these contributions were both ruled out of order at the August 2021 CDP Executive Board meeting; and
WHEREAS, in recognition of the gravity of these issues, the CDP Platform clearly states: “Climate change is an existential threat to humanity,” calls on both Congress and the California Legislature to “[transition] away from extraction and refining of fossil fuels,” and further asserts that “[c]riminal justice reform must incorporate every aspect of the criminal justice system, including … the practices and behavior of law enforcement professionals”; and
WHEREAS, on September 25, 2021, a petition signed by 7 CDP Caucus Chairs (later signed on by an eighth) and 56 CDP Executive Board members, was duly and timely submitted calling for a Special Meeting of the Executive Board at Laney College in Oakland, CA on October 24, 2021, to finally take action on both proposals.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County (DPCCC) supports the immediate formalization of a current cessation of the practice by the CDP to accept contributions from entities associated with the extraction and/or refining of fossil fuels and law enforcement.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, while hoping that the need for a Special Meeting to vote on formalizing the practice listed above can be avoided, the DPCCC welcomes the CDP Executive Board and Party members to Oakland, Contra Costa County’s neighboring city, later this month in the event that it cannot.
Respectfully submitted by:
Marisol Rubio, Director, San Ramon Services District, DPCCC Associate Member, District 2
Approved by:
Democratic Party of Contra Costa County, October 21, 2021
June 15, CADEM launches organizing effort to Stop the Republican Recall
From the California Democratic Party:
Today, we face the biggest threat in years from the GOP. The Republican National Committee, wealthy Trump donors and right-wing extremists have joined forces in an attempt to recall Governor Gavin Newsom.
The California Democratic Party (CADEM) is playing a critical grassroots organizing role in the anti-recall effort. As a part of the effort, CADEM will launch an organizing effort to Stop the Republican Recall on June 15 from 6 – 7 p.m. We’ll use this time to learn more about the recall effort against Governor Gavin Newsom and how we’ll work together over the next few months to fight back against the right-wing Republican recall attempt.
Stop the Republican Recall Organizing Launch
Tuesday June 15
6 – 7 p.m.
Join the grassroots, people-powered movement to stand with Californians and Governor Gavin Newsom.
In solidarity,
California Democratic Party
Governor Newsom announces an investment of $12 billion to tackle the homelessness crisis
On May 11, Governor Newsom announced that the CA Comeback Plan will invest $12 billion to tackle the homelessness crisis, helping tens of thousands of people off the streets.
Here are talking points and tweet samples from CADEM for Democratic activists.
Committee report from the CADEM Virtual Convention
The California Democratic Party (CDP, a.k.a. CADEM) held its spring 2021 convention virtually from April 29 to May 2. Here is a report of the recommended resolutions, legislative positions, and rules that came to the general delegate assembly from the Resolutions, Legislation, and Rules Committees.
Please note that although this report mostly reflects what CDP delegates ultimately approved at the conclusion of the convention, delegates did make a few changes. DPCCC will post the final decisions from the Convention when we are able to obtain them from CADEM.
DPCCC’s CDP officer candidate forum available to view
DPCCC’s virtual forum for California Democratic Party officer candidates at our March 18, 2021 meeting was a great success! Thank you to all candidates, to our members who organized and moderated the forum, and to Democrats who attended. You can watch the forum here. Please feel free to share!
2021 CDP Convention, April 29 – May 2
The California Democratic Party’s 2021 (virtual) state convention is coming up, April 29 through May 2! Registration is now open, and closes on April 21 at 5pm. For more info, visit cdpconvention.org.