DPCCC District 5 Director vacancy and election

As announced at yesterday’s regular Membership meeting, DPCCC’s District 5 Director Danial Leahy has resigned his position. Under our bylaws, this position must be “filled by election of a qualified candidate at a regular meeting no later than sixty (60) days after the official notice of vacancy.”

Election procedure

This election will be held immediately before our regular Membership meeting on Thursday, August 19, at 6:30pm, on Zoom (email secretary@contracostadems.com for the link). Please sign in by 6:15pm so you can be credentialed for voting.

If you are registered to vote with Democratic party preference in District 5, have paid current dues to DPCCC as a registered Democrat by August 18, and have not lost your standing, then you will be entitled to vote in this election.

The election will follow the substance of the procedures approved at the January 21, 2021 reorganizational meeting. (The portion of these procedures about DSCC delegates is not relevant to this upcoming election.) In summary: Qualified voters in D5 will gather and elect the new D5 Director.

Anyone may attend and observe the election, but only DPCCC members in good standing in D5 may vote.


Eligibility to run and serve as D5 Director is the same as eligibility to vote in this election: DPCCC member (including Associate) in good standing, registered to vote in D5.

August 11 is the deadline to submit your candidacy. Please email your candidate statement to secretary@contracostadems.com. You may include whatever information you find relevant. Candidate statements will be sent to DPCCC members by email on August 12, one week before the election.

Background information

DPCCC has a Director for each of the five Supervisorial districts (map) in Contra Costa. The Directors gather information, coordinate action, and maintain DPCCC’s relationships with residents, activists, and Democratic candidates and elected officials in their respective districts.

Along with DPCCC’s officers, the District Directors are elected every two years at our January reorganizational meeting. They are voting members of the Executive Committee, and are Regular Members (i.e. Voting Members) of DPCCC by virtue of their District Director positions, even if they were not Regular Members otherwise.

Unlike the officers, the District Directors are elected by the DPCCC members in good standing in their respective districts, including Associate Members, rather than by the Voting Members from across the county.

District 5 covers northern Contra Costa from Hercules, through Martinez and Pittsburg, to northern Antioch.