The DPCCC Endorsement window closes on Monday August 12th at 11:59 pm. If you seek DPCCC’s 2024 Endorsement and are a registered Democrat, CLICK HERE to submit your 2024 Application (Candidate Questionnaire) prior to that deadline.
Tag Archives: elections
Voter-Nominated Office Declaration of Candidacy Period opens for November 5, 2024 General Election
DPCCC Endorsement window opens July 15th. Candidates who seek DPCCC Endorsement and are registered Democrats CLICK HERE for more 2024 Endorsement Information.
Resolution Committing to Free Fair Elections
DPCCC membership approved the following resolution at the September 15, 2022 regular meeting.
WHEREAS the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County recognizes and supports the fundamental right of voters to decide the outcome of our elections and expects the subsequent peaceful transfer of power as not merely a venerable tradition but paramount to the survival of democracy and the Republic, and
WHEREAS the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County places a high value on elections that are free and fair, accessible and safe, secure and transparent, and is proud of Contra Costa County’s long history of administering elections that are reliable and trustworthy, and
WHEREAS the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County is aware of advisories issued by the California Secretary of State indicating that rumors and misinformation concerning election procedures, whether intentional or otherwise, continue to cast doubt on the integrity of elections and, according to a major network news poll, “threats to democracy” has become voters’ top issue facing the country,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County will continue to support and defend elections that are safe, free and fair and will not tolerate attempts by any elected officials, candidates, special interest groups, or other actors who undermine the election process, threaten election workers or voters, or disregard the collective will of the voters.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County solemnly commits to recognize the legitimacy of democratically elected officials of this jurisdiction, the State of California and the United States, regardless of personal preference, and will use its platform to fiercely defend the Constitution and our democracy from such unlawful threats to our freedoms and fundamental voting rights.
Submitted by Renee Zeimer, Elected Member, District 2
Approved by the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County, September 15, 2022
DPCCC candidate forum for 2022 primary offices
DPCCC hosted a candidate forum at the top of our Membership meeting last Thursday (Feb 17) featuring the following candidates:
- Statewide competitive races
- CA Controller
- Ron Galperin
- Yvonne Yiu
- Malia Cohen
- Board of Equalization, District 2
- Michela Alioto-Pier
- Sally Lieber
- CA Insurance Commissioner
- Ricardo Lara
- Marc Levine
- CA Controller
- Assembly District 11
- Lori Wilson
- US Senate
- Alex Padilla (via designee Kristin Bertolina)