DPCCC hosted a candidate forum at the top of our Membership meeting tonight for two Democratic candidates for the newly-drawn Congressional District 8: Cheryl Sudduth and John Garamendi. Here is the Zoom recording.
Tag Archives: elections
Resolution Calling On Democrats to Refrain from Making Early Endorsements of Non-Democratic Candidates
DPCCC membership approved the following resolution at the November 18, 2021 regular meeting.
WHEREAS, The Democratic Party of Contra Costa County’s (DPCCC) volunteer members “work hard to champion progressive policies, elect strong Democrats, and build a cohesive community that works together to solve challenging problems”; and
WHEREAS, it undermines the ability of the Democratic Party to motivate our members and recruit Democrats to run for countywide offices, city councils, school boards, and other special district boards when Democrats and Democratic elected officials make early endorsements of non-Democrats in nonpartisan and partisan races; and
WHEREAS, in March 2021 the DPCCC adopted a resolution regarding the importance of Public Office Members to Support the Democratic Party’s endorsed candidates, and builds on the California Democratic Party’s By-Law in Article 2 Membership; Section 9b (Removal from Membership) which states that a DSCCC member “who publicly gives support to or avows a preference for a candidate registered other than Party Preference Democrat in the voter-nominated top-two open primary, or violates the Code of Conduct may be removed from membership”;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the DPCCC calls on Democrats to support fellow Democrats for election or appointment to partisan and nonpartisan offices and particularly to avoid making endorsements of non-Democrats prior to the filing deadline for any office; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the DPCCC’s Chair shall communicate this resolution to Contra Costa County Democrats and to previously endorsed Democratic elected officials with an explanation about how vital it is that we work in partnership to recruit, train, and help Democratic candidates during an election cycle where many of our local candidates could face coordinated regional and nationally funded efforts to defeat them.
Submitted by:
Craig Cheslog, Associate Member, District 5