DPCCC congratulates Senator Alex Padilla

Sent to Senator Alex Padilla.

Dear Senator Padilla,

On behalf of the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County, we offer our heartfelt congratulations on your appointment as United States Senator. We are proud to have you at the helm as the first Latino U.S. Senator from California in our state’s 170-year history.

As Secretary of State, your leadership made our elections more accessible and inclusive, allowing California to reach record turnout. You fought to protect the integrity of our voting systems and in so doing, you made sure every vote was counted, upholding a cornerstone of our democracy.

At a time when our nation is recovering from a global pandemic, we look forward to working with you to implement your vision for a just immigration system, combating climate change and restoring voting rights to build a more inclusive, unified and stronger democracy.

Again, congratulations on your appointment! We are honored to have the privilege to continue working with you as our United States Senator serving the people of California.


Katie Ricklefs, Chair
Democratic Party of Contra Costa County

Posted in correspondence.