Resolution in Opposition to AB 1139 (Gonzalez), Net Energy Metering

DPCCC membership approved the following resolution at the June 17, 2021 regular meeting.

WHEREAS, rooftop solar is a key part of our transition to renewable energy that is needed to avert climate catastrophe, and the expansion of rooftop solar creates a more resilient grid that is less vulnerable to natural disasters; and 

WHEREAS, net energy metering and other financial incentives have been central to making solar installation affordable and cost-effective for Californians and have helped drive the proliferation of rooftop solar throughout the state; and 

WHEREAS, AB 1139 would make solar unaffordable by imposing monthly fees on solar panel users averaging $70 per household while slashing net metering credits by 80%, which would heavily discourage solar installations, encourage current users to disconnect their panels, and devastate the solar industry in California; 

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County opposes the passage of Assembly Bill 1139 (Gonzalez), which would reverse our state’s tremendous achievements in rooftop solar, cost numerous solar installers their jobs and businesses, and financially harm existing solar customers.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County shall submit its OPPOSE position to the California State Legislature for inclusion in the bill analysis as an opposing organization, and shall communicate its opposition to this bill to the California Democratic Party and members of the State Senate and State Assembly representing any part of Contra Costa County and the Governor of the State of California, urging the Democratic supermajority in the California State Legislature not to pass this legislation and the Democratic Governor to veto this bill if it should reach his desk. 

Submitted by: Rebecca Auerbach, Publicly Elected Member

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