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CHAIR’S MESSAGE I want to thank each and every one of you who walked neighborhoods, distributed door hangers, phone banked, texted, donated, and supported our endorsed candidates during this election. Contra Costa Democrats and Chartered Clubs worked hard to help elect great candidates across the county. We walked neighborhoods and distributed over 100,000 door hangers, mailed 84,000 slate cards, sent over 270,000 texts to voters, and phone banked for hours. I am also happy to share that our newly designed website received over 48,000 unique user visits focusing on our 2022 election pages. We may be exhausted, but I think we all have a right to feel very proud of our work. We are still waiting for the final results in a few races, but so far we know we helped elect 44 of our 68 endorsed candidates, a win ratio of 65 percent. There were many close elections, proving once again that our work is vital because every vote counts! Finally, please plan to celebrate all of our efforts on Friday, December 16, when our DPCCC Holiday Party will be held at the UA Local 342 Union Hall at 935 Detroit Avenue in Concord starting at 6:30 p.m. More details about the Holiday Party are included below in this newsletter, and early-bird tickets are available now! Stay healthy and enjoy your holidays, Katie Ricklefs Chair, Democratic Party of Contra Costa County DPCCC HOLIDAY PARTY IN CONCORD ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16 Join us in Concord at UA Local 342 for an indoor, festive, and fun Holiday Party starting at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, December 16! Click here to get your tickets or get a sponsorship now! Early-bird prices are available through 11:59 p.m. on December 2! The Union Hall is located at 935 Detroit Avenue in Concord. We will provide food and drinks and present some fun awards! The party will run from 6:30-9:30 p.m. We are asking our attendees to bring nonperishable food items for a Concord & Solano Food Bank Donation Bin. Donations are down, and so we want to give back while we celebrate. Masks will be encouraged, and we will have a health check at the door. So dress your best for photos, come to socialize, and celebrate with friends, new members, and our candidates who ran for office this year! We’ll hear briefly from our club leaders on our 2022 annual report and from electeds. We’ll finish off with some club awards as we look ahead to 2023. NOVEMBER MEETING REPORT The DPCCC’s November 17 Membership Meeting featured a review of our activities to help our candidates and get out the vote for the November election in Contra Costa County and the Central Valley. We will have a summary of all of this work in our next newsletter, including details about specific efforts to combat misinformation impacting one of our endorsed candidates. DPCCC members deliberated and passed a revised procedure for electing Central Committee delegates to the California Democratic Party. This election will happen at our January 2023 Organizational Meeting. More details will be posted on the DPCCC website soon. Chair Katie Ricklefs reminded everyone that the end of the year brings the end of the term for our current officers and committee leaders. So this is the time for people to start thinking about the possible roles they may wish to have in January 2023. All of our members should pay their dues now so they won’t have to worry about the deadline to be a member in good standing to vote during our January 19, 2023, biennial Organizational Meeting. More details about these elections will also be posted on the DPCCC website soon. Finally, there will not be a regular Membership Meeting in December, so join us for our Holiday Party in Concord on Friday, December 16! Would you like to learn more? Under DPCCC’s file access policy, access to all non-confidential DPCCC files is available to any DPCCC member (including Associates) upon request by emailing the Secretary. You can pay your dues by clicking here! If you are not a DPCCC member and wish to attend the monthly membership meeting, which is typically held on the third Thursday of the month, please RSVP to the DPCCC Secretary at secretary@contracostadems.com. If you are a DPCCC member, you should receive an email with details for the meeting about seven days in advance. If you do not, please email the DPCCC Secretary at secretary@contracostadems.com. AN APPRECIATION FOR REPRESENTATIVE JERRY MCNERNEY You are cordially invited to attend the Appreciation Celebration for Representative Jerry McNerney on Sunday, December 4th, from 2–5 pm at Brentwood’s Co.Co. County Wine Company at 633 1st Street in Brentwood. This event is sponsored by the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County, the Marsh Creek Democratic Club, and the San Joaquin County Democratic Party. To reserve your space, please RSVP to mcvillaseca@yahoo.com. We hope to see you there! ![]() CONSIDER RUNNING TO BECOME A CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATIC PARTY ASSEMBLY DISTRICT DELEGATE Do you want to have more influence in the California Democratic Party (CADEM)? Then consider running to become an Assembly District Delegate or Executive Board Member! Assembly District Delegates are elected at CADEM Assembly District Elections Meetings held in each of the state’s 80 Assembly Districts in January of each odd-numbered year. So the next election is coming up in January 2023! Click here to learn more about these positions and the voting process on the CADEM website. Each Assembly District will elect seven “self-identified female” and seven “other than self-identified female” delegates and one Executive Board member. To run for Assembly District Delegate, you must register as a candidate by noon on Friday, December 9. Click here to register! Becoming an Assembly District Delegate gives you the opportunity to: Increase your political impact by voting for the endorsements of the California Democratic Party for partisan legislative and statewide office in California, vote for positions CADEM takes on the Ballot Propositions, build a community with passionate and diverse California Democrats, take on greater responsibility as a voice for your local district when establishing the official California Democratic State Platform (in even-numbered years), and elect 16-25 CADEM Regional Directors who function as your liaison between the California Democratic Party, County Central Committees, and Democratic Party Clubs. All California Democrats can run to become an Assembly District Delegate or vote in this Assembly District Election. Registration to vote by mail or in person in these elections will open at noon on Monday, December 12, at this website. More details will be shared in December. RESOLUTIONS AND LEGISLATION The DPCCC adopted the following proclamations and resolutions at its November 17, 2022, meeting: Proclamation Recognizing February 2023 as Black History Month Resolution Supporting the Rights of the People of Iran to Free Expression and Standing in Solidarity with the Women and People of Iran Resolution in Support of a State Windfall Profits Tax on Oil Corporations You can learn more about the Issues Committee’s process for reviewing legislation, resolutions, and proclamations by reading its submission guidelines and application for consideration. You can review an index of the Resolutions adopted by the DPCCC since 2022 and a Legislative Tracker of all the bills on which the DPCCC has taken a position during the 2021-22 session. DPCCC EVENT CALENDAR This calendar is for DPCCC and other Democratic Party events to which all DPCCC members are invited. To request the addition of an item to the calendar, please email secretary@contracostadems.com. Click on the DPCCC EVENT CALENDAR to get more details! LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK Do you have any questions or feedback about this DPCCC Newsletter? We would love to hear from you! Please send your comments to commsdir@contracostadems.com. |
November 2022 Newsletter
Posted in newsletter.