DPCCC Organizational Meeting coming up on Jan 19 – Election of officers, District Directors, and DPCCC’s delegates to CADEM

As directed in our Bylaws, DPCCC will be holding our biennial Organizational Meeting, at which we elect our officers, District Directors, and our delegates to the California Democratic Party for two-year terms. The meeting will be on January 19, 2023, at 7pm.

What positions are there to run for?


Responsibilities of these positions


The DPCCC Chair is the chief executive officer and the official voice of the central committee. The Chair shall carry out the policies and purposes of the DPCCC and shall pursue its interests to the best of his/her abilities.

  1. Other responsibilities of the Chair include:
    1. Serve as the official DPCCC spokesperson and liaison to the public, the CDP, and Elected officials.
    2. Lead the effort to develop, encourage and support qualified Democrats to run for local elected office.
    3. Delegate and develop leadership within the DPCCC.
    4. Oversee the management of any staff.
    5. Chair the meetings of the DPCCC and the Executive Committee.
    6. Assist other officers in the appointment of committee chairs.

1st Vice-Chair

The First Vice-Chair shall assist the DPCCC Chair in the performance of the Chair’s duties. To the extent necessary, the First Vice-Chair shall exercise the powers of the Chair in the event of the Chair’s absence. In the event that the office of Chair is vacated, the First Vice-Chair shall assume the duties of the Chair until a new Chair has been elected.

  1. Other responsibilities of the First Vice-Chair include:
    1. Oversight of those standing committees responsible for mobilizing election activity to support Democratic issues and candidates.
    2. The administration, management, and strategic use of the voter database system within the county; and appointment of a voter database administrator.

2nd Vice-Chair

The Second Vice -Chair shall assist the DPCCC Chair in the performance of the Chair’s duties. To the extent necessary, the Second Vice-Chair shall exercise the powers of the Chair in the event of the absence of both the Chair and the First Vice-Chair. In the event of a vacancy in both the office of Chair and First Vice-Chair, the Second Vice-Chair shall assume the duties of the DPCCC Chair until a new Chair has been elected. The Second Vice-Chair shall be responsible for membership training, member recruitment, and club development.

  1. Other responsibilities of the Second Vice-Chair include:
    1. Maintain the membership roster of the DPCCC.
    2. Ensure each Public Ballot, Designated, and Ex-Officio Member has an alternate.


The Controller shall be responsible for the financial activities and fiscal health of the DPCCC. The Controller shall have access to the financial records maintained by the DPCCC.

  1. Other responsibilities of the Controller include:
    1. Prepare and deliver at each DPCCC meeting a report on the financial affairs of the DPCCC.
    2. Advise the DPCCC officers, committees, and the membership on financial planning with regards to the budget.


The Secretary shall be responsible for taking the minutes of the regular and special meetings of the DPCCC and for the official communications to the membership, such as the website, e-mail lists, and official publications.

  1. Other responsibilities of the Secretary include:
    1. Appoint a Recording Secretary who will take draft minutes for the Membership and Executive Committee meetings.
    2. Work with the Second Vice-Chair to maintain the Membership Roster of the DPCCC.

Who can run

  • For Chair: Regular Members (not Associates) who are in good standing and are registered to vote in Contra Costa County.
  • For First Vice-Chair, Second Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Controller: All members who are in good standing (including Associates) and are registered to vote in Contra Costa County.

How to run

  • Optional but encouraged: Send a candidate statement to the Secretary for distribution to members. You can do this anytime before the election meeting (January 19, 7pm) but the earlier, the better.
  • Become a candidate in one of two ways:
    • Notify the Transition Team of your intent to run ahead of the meeting.
    • Be nominated from the floor during the relevant portion of the January 19 meeting.
  • Speak for up to five minutes at the election meeting. You may divide this time among yourself and any other speakers you wish.

Who can vote 

  • Voting members, i.e. Regular Members in good standing or their Alternates exercising their credentials in their place.

District Directors

Responsibilities of these positions

  1. Work with the Chair(s) of the Endorsements and Elections Committees to help identify local races, outreach to Democratic incumbents, and prospective Democratic candidates.
  1. Identify influencers within their respective district and encourage participation in the Democratic Party.
  1. May appoint Assistant District Directors to help them achieve their goals.

Who can run

  • All members in good standing (including Associates) who are registered to vote in the supervisorial district for that Director.

How to run

  • Optional but encouraged: Send a candidate statement to the Secretary for distribution to members. You can do this anytime before the election meeting (January 19, 7pm) but the earlier, the better.
  • Become a candidate in one of two ways:
    • Notify the Transition Team of your intent to run ahead of the meeting.
    • Be nominated from the floor by a member in your Supervisorial district during the district caucus portion of the January 19 meeting.

Who can vote

  • All members in good standing (including Associates) who are registered to vote in the supervisorial district for that Director.

Delegates to CADEM

Responsibilities of these positions

  • Attend and participate in both of two CADEM conventions during a two-year term, either in person or virtually depending on how the convention is held. In-person conventions have been held in a variety of locations throughout California where convention venues are available, e.g. San Francisco or Long Beach.
  • Stay through the final General Session on the last day of the convention, usually a Sunday. This is a significant matter. Many delegates leave early in order to travel home; this has often put the meeting quorum at risk for significant matters being decided in that final General Session.
  • This is a significant commitment of time and money (travel and accommodation expenses, dues) on the order of several hundred dollars. Members for whom these costs would be a hardship should reach out to the Chair to privately discuss options to fundraise or obtain support.
  • Active, engaged delegates enhance the interaction and influence of the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County at the state party level. 

Who can run

  • For per-district seats: All members in good standing (including Associates) who are registered to vote in the supervisorial district for that seat.
  • For at-large seats: All members (including Associates) who are in good standing and are registered to vote in Contra Costa County.

How to run

  • Optional but encouraged: Fill out the candidate questionnaire. To inspire votes, consider these questions when filling out the questionnaire.
    • Does the delegate candidate hold or aspire to a position on a CDP Standing Committee or in Caucus leadership? (there may be a requirement to be a CDP delegate)
    • Will the candidate carry forward resolutions passed by the DPCCC to the CDP? (the process may require speaking on the convention floor)
    • Will the candidate increase our DPCCC delegation’s diversity?  Use the CDP Ad Hoc Committee on Committees memo Recommendations for Standing Committee Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as a reference.
    • Is the candidate willing to join a caucus, attend the meeting(s) and report back to the DPCCC on its activities or facilitate engagement of our DPCCC in statewide projects?  Note: there are many caucuses focused on diverse groups 
    • Is the candidate willing to attend a Standing Committee meeting and report back to the DPCCC?
  • Become a candidate in one of two ways:
    • Notify the Transition Team of your intent to run ahead of the meeting.
    • Be nominated from the floor by a member in your Supervisorial district during the district caucus portion of the January 19 meeting.

Who can vote

  • For per-district seats: All members in good standing (including Associates) who are registered to vote in the supervisorial district for that seat.
  • For at-large seats: All members (including Associates) who are in good standing and are registered to vote in Contra Costa County.


  • December 20: Last day for new DPCCC Associate Members to join (pay dues, $24) and be able to vote at the January 19 meeting. (Must be registered to vote with Democratic party preference in order to become a member; this will be checked.) Members for whom this cost would be a hardship should reach out to the Secretary to seek a waiver.
  • January 1: Last day for current DPCCC members (both Regular and Associate) to pay dues ($40 Regular, $24 Associate including Alternates) and be able to vote at the January 19 meeting. Members for whom this cost would be a hardship should reach out to the Secretary to seek a waiver.
Posted in advisories.