Lafayette City Council
Walnut Creek City Council
San Ramon Unified School District/D2
San Ramon Unified School District/D3
East Bay Regional Parks – Area 2
Measure H – City of Lafayette Sales Tax
To provide funding to maintain City services, including public streets, storm drains, pothole repairs, wildfire preparedness, number of police officers, traffic safety, senior and youth programs, and other general city services, shall the measure enacting a 1/2 cent sales tax for 7 years generating approximately $2,400,000 annually with yearly financial audits, public review of expenditures by a citizen oversight committee, and all funds benefitting Lafayette be adopted?
Measure N – City of San Ramon
To provide local funding to maintain City of San Ramon programs, services and facilities, including: public safety and police services; neighborhood crime prevention; traffic enforcement and road safety; street and road improvements and maintenance; library and recreation services; park maintenance; youth, senior, and cultural programs; and other city services and facilities; shall the City of San Ramon levy a one cent sales tax, providing approximately $16,000,000 annually for 10 years, subject to public review, annual audits, and all funds benefiting San Ramon?
Measure Q – San Ramon Unified School District
Without increasing current tax rates, to renew expiring local school funding that cannot be taken by the State; attract/retain highly qualified teachers; support academic programs in science, technology, engineering, arts, math, reading, writing; and prepare students to compete for college/careers; shall San Ramon Valley Unified School District’s measure renewing its existing $144 annual parcel tax be adopted at the same rate, providing approximately $6.8 million annually for 9 years, with senior exemptions, independent oversight, no fund for administrator salaries?